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public display of affection中文是什么意思

用"public display of affection"造句"public display of affection"怎么读"public display of affection" in a sentence


  • 公开表示亲昵


  • I ' m not really into public displays of affection
  • Public display of affection . oh
  • You don ' t engage in prolonged public displays of affection
  • Give your partner compliments , hold hands , open doors , and engage in public displays of affection
  • But they hate each other s gusts . the bosses order wong and sandra to put up public displays of affection
  • Behave discreetly in the workplace . keep public displays of affection off limits at work . never , ever row - or get too intimate - at work
    在工作场所中低调行事。不可在工作期间公开表示亲昵。千万不要在工作期间争吵(或是太过亲密) 。
  • India may be the land of the kamasutra , the ancient treatise on * * * , but public displays of affection remain strictly taboo in the country ' s hinterlands , as an israeli couple found out
    印度可以称为古老的* *技巧著作? ? 《爱经》的发源地。但是,直到现在,在公共场合示爱在印度内地仍被严格禁止。一对在印度寻求浪漫婚礼的以色列夫妇最近遭遇了意想不到的情况。
用"public display of affection"造句  
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